Rainy Day Fund

>> Monday, April 9, 2012

I think it is time for me to find new electricity providers. the one that I am currently with is breaking the bank. Last month, our energy bill was so high that we had to actually tap into our savings so that we could afford to keep the lights on. I am so glad that we had money in savings for an emergency like this. I think that it is important to always keep some money tucked away for a rainy day. 

The Author of this post is Solomon Dejesus

You never know what may happen and you may have to tap into that rainy day fund. People get sick, cars break, appliances need servicing or a myriad of other things. We have been saved by our little bit on more than one occasion. Last year my car needed a new transmission and it would have been impossible for us to come up with thirty five hundred on the dime. However, I hate that we had to spend it on a monthly bill, I would rather keep that money in savings for a real emergency.


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