Generate More Blog Traffic with a Comment Parade
>> Saturday, January 30, 2010
Blog Marketing Strategy Generate More Traffic with a Comment Parade
by guest Author: Linus Ruzicka
When I first started blogging, I thought those nice little blog comments that you got from folks were nothing more than just that - nice little comments.
I thought they were a way for your readers tell you what they thought of your blog posts and really nothing more. And frankly, I felt as though it was a way for people to spam you with their own agenda by blasting your posts with their comments.
It wasn't until about a month ago that I realized saw the FULL power and spectrum of why these sweet little comments were actually Powerful and Mighty beasts that you should be utilizing extensively in your blog marketing tactics.
And it's probably not what you're thinking either.
Some people feel as though it's just interacting with the people leaving comments on your blog posts. But that really only the tip of the iceberg.
First off, lets look at the bigger picture with your blog and look at the bigger picture rather than just simply showing you some blog marketing strategies.
As internet network marketers, one of our goals should be figuring out how to get our blog in front of as many people as possible. That's accomplished by marketing your blog and therefore generating traffic to your blog.
The more traffic your blog gets, the greater your ranking on Google, Yahoo, or Bing. And in turn the higher your ranking, the more traffic you get. (Want to see how you're ranking compared to the big boys?, you can download the Free Alexa toolbar to your web browser here - For example sake, at the time of writing this post, it has been 10 days since I started HEAVILY implementing these comment tactics. Over those 10 days, my Alexa score has increased from #1,084,687 to #632,114 worldwide).
Beginning to see the cycle of what's happening here?
This is where our comment strategies start to take effect.
Here's another way of thinking about it. When someone stops by your site and leaves a comment on one of your posts, you then obivously have a visitor to your blog. It's safe to say that the more people that leave comments = more traffic. It's kind of a spring board effect that just starts to build on itself.
As this is happening, you will begin to see your site ranking increase. As your site ranking increases, your traffic from the search engines will increase. If a site is getting more web traffic, the web crawlers will notice that, and deem your site more attractive than the next guy who has a lower ranking.
Make sense? (If not, go out an do a Google search on the basics of Search Engine Optimization - SEO).
So, what can you do to start to drive comments to your blog posts and site?
What can you do to create that comment parade
Here are some of the blog marketing tactics that I use to create more comments, and therefore traffic, to my blog. They are not all inclusive. Nor am I taking credit for all of these tactics. The idea is that these are proven strategies to increase traffic to your blog. In my opinion, you should be using one or more of these techniques in your own blog marketing tactics:
1. E-MAIL YOUR LIST - This is a favorite of mine. This is the strategy and VERY first step I do after I create a new blog post. Simply e-mail your list everytime you post, and give only a snippet of what you're teaching, and then end it with something like "To learn more about this strategy, go to my blog at to read the entire post." OR do what I do in Step Two...
2. ASK! - Simply ask for comments. There is no law saying that you can't ask for comments. It's not socially unacceptable. Within your post, ask your readers to leave you a comment. (If you have the Onlywire or TweetMeMe plug-ins on your wordpress blog, ask them to Retweet or bookmark the post.)
3. LEAVE A QUESTION - With this tactic, all you will have do do is ask your readers a question at the end of your individual blog post, and ask them to answer it..
4. REPLY TO YOUR COMMENTS - It's kind of like a party, if no one sees others at a party, they leave because they don't want to be the only ones there. But if people are there, people will stick around and have fun. Replying to comments on your blog is sort of the same thing. If readers see you interacting with others that have commented, they will stick around and leave comments as well.
5. THANK YOU'S - This may sound silly or stupid even, but consider this. Your readers are spending time with you and posting comments instead of the many other things they could be doing. Why not thank them for commenting?
6. FACEBOOK IT - This runs together with #1 above, but all you do is take that strategy and use it with your Facebook group instead. Remember to use the Snippet of the post to simply entice them to read further and leave a link directly to your blog post.
Really, that's it. Those are the simple 6 tactics I use to increase comments to my blog posts - and as a result, I get more overall traffic to my blog.
Remember, the more you interact with your list, the more they trust you!
I can only assume that you've learned something valuable out of this article. I am not a PRO at blogging - yet! But I have used these tactics in the past, and they have worked well for me and I have noticed increasing success to my blog because of it.
If you have your own creative idea, leave me a comment here on this blog post. I'll make sure that others will benefit from it as well.
If you like what you read, be sure to leave me a comment at my blog. Even take the time to Retweet it. I thank you in advance!
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