Ten Rules for Better Blogging - blog Etiquette

>> Saturday, February 13, 2010

American Dietetic Association Times publication: Ten Rule for Better Blogging.
A must-read, indeed. And here’s what ADA author Jacqui Cook suggests to bloggers:

1. Pick one topic and stick to it

2. Update early and often — followers want material at least once daily, and internet traffic is highest in the morning and lunch time hours.

3. Keep it short. Posts longer than 400 words lose reader’s attention.

4. Link early and often — link to resources, allowing them the in-depth explanation

5. Tag and categorize your posts.

6. Don’t get too cute. Search engines cannot recognize humor, so it’s best to keep the cute to a minimum

7. Encourage comments.

8. Respect your host

9. Have realistic expectations. The more you blog, the better chance you have at building an audience.

10. Take the plunge. Just do it! Blogging is a wonderful outlet for leisure, learning, friendship, and beyond!


Unknown March 3, 2010 at 2:15 PM  

This sounds interesting. Im going to have to go through your posts and check out more income ideas!

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