Blog Terms - definitions of blogging terms - Make money with your blog

>> Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Ever wonder what some of the common blogging terms mean.  I do so I compiled a list of some of the common blogging terms.

Anonoblog – by an anonymous blogger
Blammer- Blog spammer
Blargon - Also called Blogssary. Blogging slang and glossary
Blawg – blogged by lawyer / related to legal stuff
Blego - Blog+Ego. Measuring blogger worth
blog -  a website that is often updated with content called “blog posts”
Blog Carnival – Links to other articles covering a specific topic
Blog Day – 31 August - Find 5 new Blogs that you find interesting and tell them
blog hop - groups of bloggers that post links so readers can hop from one blog to the next
Blog of Note – a recommended blog
Blog Tipping – Compliment 3 blogs on day 1 of every month
Blogathon - update your website every 30 minutes for 24 hours straight. Maybe collect sponsorships
Blogcasting - the blog and the podcast merged into a single website
blogger - a person who blogs
Blogger bash - a blogger party
Bloggerel – the same opinion posted repeatedly on a blog
Bloggies- Annual blogging awards
Blogiday- you get fed up and take a holiday from blogging
Blogoholic - addicted to blogging
Blogophobia – Fear of blogs and blogging
Blogopotamus - A long long blog post
Blogorrhea - unusually high output of articles
blogoshere - the online community of all blogs
Blogroach - A commenter who rudely disagrees with posted content
Blogroll - list of links to other blogs in your sidebar
Blogspot - free Blogger hosting blog at
Blogsnob – refusing to respond to blog comments from “not-friends”
Blogstar- blogger running a popular blog
Blogstipation - writer’s block for bloggers
Blogstorm – a large amount of blogosphere activity due to particular controversy. Also called Blog Swarm
Blogther - a fellow blogger
BlogThis - a function allows a blogger to blog the entry they are reading
Blogvertising - Also called blogvert. Advertising on a blog
Blook - a book created from a blog
Celeblog – focused on a celebrity
Celebriblog – maintained by a celebrity
CEOBlog – run by a chief executive officer
Kittyblogger – writing about cats.
Klog - used by company knowledge workers
Metablog – a blog about blogging
Metablogging - writing articles about blogging
microblog - blog with very short posts - mini posts
Milblog - a military blog
Moblog - A blog posted and maintained via mobile phone
Movlogs - mobile video blogs
niche blog - blogs that talk about one specific topic - like "make money" or "dogs"
Photoblogging - a blog predominantly using and focusing on photographs and images.
Plog - a project blog. Also for personalised weblogs 
Problogger - professional blogger
Progblog - A progressive blog
splog - spam blogs - blogs with no real content, just advertising
Spomments- Spam comments
Vlogging - blogging with videos


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