Google Wonder Wheel - Best Keyword Search Tool - SEO adsense
>> Saturday, March 13, 2010
In May of 2009 Google offered a new feature to assist in finding the best keywords for your website and blog. It is a great, new, totally free feature. It is called Wonder Wheel.
The Google Wonder Wheel is a wheel of relevant search terms and provides a visual display of these terms. In the middle of the wheel is the keyword you searched and radiating from that center point are the most searched keywords. You can click on any of those keywords and another wheel will be displayed.
Here is how you find this great tool. Go to and type in and work like "apple iphone" in the search bar. Then click on the “show more options” link on the top left side. The Google Wonder Wheel will be displayed on half of your google screen. As you continue to play, and click on any of the keywords displayed your graphic will grow and grow - along with your creativity.
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